Michele S. Ohmes

Michele S. Ohmes is an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) specialist and wheelchair user who works with public works departments, facility managers, and contractors. She travels the country doing presentations, multiday trainings, and consulting; and has written Public Works’ ADA column since 2010.

Michele S. Ohmes's Posts

  • ADA Corner

    A short video you once showed on high-vibration vs. smooth ground surfaces has stayed with me in all my sidewalk, patio, and outdoor assembly area design projects. I heard the U.S. Access Board has researched the effects of ground surfaces on wheelchair users. If so, can you tell us more about it and where to get the report? – Edward, Chicago

  • ADA Corner

    QUESTION: Michele, I read your Winter 2014 Indiana LTAP Newsletter article about a really thorough approach to keeping people with disabilities in mind when preparing communities for disaster emergencies and, in this case, severe snow storms or even moderate snow conditions. Can you share that on this blog since winter is now upon us? —Jeff, Indiana

  • ADA Corner

    QUESTION: Michele, is it true that the Access Board has new guidelines for outdoor areas? I hope so! I’m a wheelchair user who loves the outdoors. —Kikki, Wyoming

  • ADA Corner

    I’ve received some wonderful comments concerning my full radius curb ramp post and would like to address a couple of them.

  • ADA Corner

    QUESTION: A supervisor recently asked me for information on striping and signage of parking lots for ADA compliance, and I found “ADA Business Brief: Restriping Parking Lots” on the Department of Justice website. However, the document is dated January 2002. Is this information still accurate?

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