The American Concrete Institute announces the ACI Self-Consolidating Concrete Testing Technician certification program is now available.

This new program will certify individuals based on their technical knowledge and ability to correctly perform five ASTM test methods. These test methods were developed specifically for self-consolidating concrete and are used to measure its fresh properties, and include:

  • ASTM C1610: Standard Test Method for Static Segregation of SCC Using Column Technique
  • ASTM C1611: Standard Test Method for Slump Flow of SCC
  • ASTM C 1621: Standard Test Method for Passing Ability of SCC by J-Ring
  • ASTM C1712: Standard Test Method for Rapid Assessment of Static Segregation Resistance of SCC Using Penetration Test
  • ASTM C175: Standard Test Method for Fabrication of a Test Specimen with SCC

The certification consists of a written exam and a performance exam, and is valid for five years. The certification is offered through ACI’s global network of more than 120 sponsoring groups in local concrete communities.

“As the interest and use of self-consolidating concrete increased, it became clear to the industry that standardized test methods were needed,” said John Nehasil, Managing Director, Certification, American Concrete Institute. “ACI and ASTM committee members developed tests to measure and monitor the fresh or plastic characteristics of SCC. Near the end of the development stage, the industry recognized the need and importance of an ACI certification program to ensure these test methods were performed correctly,” he continued. “If you work with and test self-consolidating concrete on a regular basis, then make sure you are certified to do the job right.”

Self-consolidating concrete is regularly used for cast-in-place projects, specialized applications, and is the primary product used in the precast industry. It was first introduced in the early 1990s.

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