Build with Strength, a coalition of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association comprised of fire service professionals, architects, engineers and industry experts committed to enacting safer and more sustainable building standards in cities across the country such as Los Angeles, is pleased to welcome Asian Americans in Commercial Real Estate (AACRE) as a new coalition member. AACRE joins a growing alliance in Los Angeles that is committed to working with the city council to improve building and fire safety standards for developments throughout the city.

“AACRE is pleased to be part of the effort here in Los Angeles and across the country in working to make the construction of new residential and commercial buildings safer and more durable,” said Aden Kun, Co-Founder of AACRE. “It’s important that these new developments meet or exceed existing building codes, and that the City of Los Angeles encourages the use of non-combustible materials which heavily reduces the risks associated with fires and earthquakes; both of which are major factors of concern in our city.”

Amid the growing prevalence in recent years of fires affecting housing developments across the country, including the Da Vinci apartment complex fire in Los Angeles, Build with Strength is working with government officials, firefighters and building trades union leaders across the country to address potential causes of these fires relating to building safety standards. In reviewing current building and fire safety codes, the coalition is working to identify areas in need of improvement, particularly in encouraging updated building codes, including the use of non-combustible materials in minimizing the risk of fires.

As the nation’s urban centers continue to grow and demand for housing increases, Build with Strength is working to ensure the safety of new buildings, particularly those intended for communities at risk such as low and moderate-income residents.

“As long as inherent vulnerabilities exist, Build with Strength will be ready to work with local officials and groups to encourage more resilient communities,” said Kevin Lawlor, a spokesperson for Build with Strength. “We’re looking forward to building our partnership with AACRE, so that southern Californians will have peace of mind at home.”