Occasionally I get interesting short write-ups from people around the industry discussing things from technical information to politics to marketing (see Contractors Should Market Completed, Not Awarded Projects). If it seems appropriate, I have been posting them as guest blogs. Even if you are fairly new to the industry, you probably have unique expertise in one aspect and if you've been in the business for years, you probably have insights into the big picture. Whatever it is, write it down, send it to me, and I will post it as a guest blog in the newsletter and on Concrete Construction’s web site.

A couple of guidelines, which you don’t even have to follow:

  • Please don’t make it personal—if you have a grudge with another person, I probably won’t print that; but if you have a grudge about an industry practice or a type of material, I’m interested.
  • For manufacturers, you can allude to your products, but I won’t run things that are blatantly commercial; nonproprietary information is better.
  • Keep it fairly short—typically less than 500 words.
  • Send photos—and since this is not intended to run in print, the resolution doesn’t have to be too high.
  • Include a short bio so we can let readers know who you are.
  • If you are thinking about writing something and aren't sure if it fits, talk to me, either by phone (773-494-4619) or email ([email protected]).

I look forward to hearing from you.