This networking event provided the opportunity to share insights into how innovation, sustainability, and leadership results in success on public projects. This year’s program focused on projects that used portland-limestone cement. The winning project, Pena Boulevard Concrete Paving with PLC, was presented the Triad Award , and project team members talked about how they were able to be successful through teamwork and innovation.

Speakers & Presentations

The Triad Award is sponsored by Concrete Construction, The Concrete Producer, and Public Works magazines with the support of Holcim. The Triad Award is focused on the three defining attributes of a great concrete project: innovation, sustainability, and leadership. It is designed to recognize the three major team members involved in great successful publicly-owned concrete projects: the owner, the contractor, and the concrete supplier. Here are all this year's nominees.

Take a look at the 2014 winner of the Triad Award, the New Mississippi River Bridge.

Video: Holcim’s Mark Luther describes the development and performance of the mass concrete mixes used in the new Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge, the 2014 winner of the Hanley Wood Triad Award for the best teamwork on a major concrete public works project.