From 2011 to 2015, 804 construction workers died from struck-by injuries, more than in any other major industry sector. A new CPWR Quarterly Data Report examined data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, and other sources to understand the hazards and working environments that need to be considered to prevent struck-by fatalities and injuries. Among the major findings:

  • Struck-by injuries accounted for nearly one in five construction workplace fatalities.
  • Construction workers 65 years or older experienced the highest rate of struck-by fatalities, while workers under 20 years had the highest rate of nonfatal struck-by injuries.
  • The majority (57%) of struck-by vehicle deaths in construction occurred in work zones.
  • Highway maintenance workers had the highest rate of struck-by fatalities, while helpers had the highest rate of nonfatal struck-by injuries.

CLICK HERE for the full report.