Cavado Concrete has earned a reputation for superior workmanship in the concrete industry. The contractor has been serving the people of New Jersey for more than 20 years
Fernando Soares Cavado Concrete has earned a reputation for superior workmanship in the concrete industry. The contractor has been serving the people of New Jersey for more than 20 years

After their father passed away, Fernando and Carlos Soares vowed to carry on his legacy and make him proud every step of the way. Cavado Concrete has been serving the people of New Jersey for more than 20 years. The contractor's professionalism and unmatched excellence was on full display when it got the call to perform work on an Emmy award-winning television show.

The contractor was challenged with the largest and most difficult construction ever attempted on “Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.” The project involved demolishing the burned-out shell of a former home on a narrow lot in an urban neighborhood and rebuilding a new home in its place in a week. Cavado was able to help pull off the difficult project without any issues.

The complete concrete and masonry company just launched a new division of polished concrete which it plans to expand in the upcoming year. The team at Cavado does not believe in the “boss theory”, but rather one where everyone is equal and working together.

“Through training and hard work, we hope to become one of the top polishing contractors on the East Coast,” says Fernando Soares.