F.A. Wilhelm founded his company in 1923, determined to build better buildings and a better life for his family and community. That is still the way they do things at Wilhelm Construction, 90 years and 8000-plus projects later. The firm attributes part of its success to the consideration it shows the companies with whom it works. It cites a recent congratulatory letter from a long-time, now-retired client, Michael C. Natali, P.E., who wrote, “It has been a pleasure working with your staff. When I was young and inexperienced, several men at [F.A. Wilhelm] tolerated my questions, answered them, and taught me much about construction.”
Such consideration also extends to subcontractors and suppliers. In 2012, Wilhelm companies spent more than $38 million with diverse business enterprises, while also establishing formal mentor-protégé relationships with MBE and WBE firms.