Now that we have finished the quantity takeoff, we can turn to the recapitulation sheet. The daily labor rate on which your daily production output for formwork is based should be marked over the top of the right hand column, the labor totals column, on your recap sheet. In most cases this daily rate will include the pay for one carpenter per day and one-half of a laborer's rate per day. This is based on most form work erection being done by a crew with a ratio of two carpenters to one laborer. Therefore, by figuring a daily rate of one carpenter's pay and one-half of a laborer's pay, you can estimate the production output per carpenter day and include the laborer's time with it. We are now ready to move the items, for pricing, from the quantity takeoff sheets to the recap sheet. All items to be priced are in the extreme right-hand column of the takeoff sheets and they are marked with a check. After an item is moved to the recap sheet, the right-hand column of the takeoff sheet should be marked by a check with a line through it. When all items in this column on all takeoff sheets are marked, you know that you have not forgotten to forward any of the items to the recap sheet for pricing. When the recap sheet is filled in with all of the required quantities, you am ready to price material and labor. Material prices for lumber, plywood, ties, and nails vary only slightly over the years. Since this cost is divided by from three to five uses for lumber and plywood materials, it is relatively unimportant. If labor output per day is kept as a constant unit- which it is- then only the daily wage rates need be changed each time the carpenter or laborer gets a raise. Therefore, think only in terms of how many square feet per day of a certain type of work a carpenter will do in a day.