Pink Concrete Cares

Mike Murray, Decorative Concrete Supply, Shawnee, Kan., showed up at the ACI meeting this fall in a pink T-shirt on behalf of his Concrete Cares campaign. Mike is recruiting concrete people across the U.S. to place pink concrete in every state to support breast cancer research. “Everyone has been touched by this,” he says. So far Mike and a volunteer crew placed a small pink slab in Kansas City and Ray Brooks organized a placement in South Dakota. The goal is to place pink slabs in all 50 states in time for Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) of 2013. We’ll have a longer description of Concrete Cares in our December issue.

It’s Alive!

New this year at the World of Concrete will be our very own Concrete Construction Live! booth with more than 12 hours of educational and informational programming, including recognition of the various activities going on around the show, presentation of awards (such as CC’s Most Influential People and the winners of the Crews that Rock), a Q&A Problem Clinic session, and discussion by industry leaders of issues critical to the future success of concrete as a construction material. Be sure to stop by the Central Hall near registration and pay us a visit.

Number 1 Skid-Steer

The August issue of Machinery Outlook includes statistics on the market share of manufacturers of various types of construction equipment in 2011. You’d probably guess that the number one skid-steer is Bobcat (33 percent of the market of 50,000 machines). Number two is Deere (20 percent), followed by Cat (19 percent), New Holland (13 percent), and Case (9 percent). For loader-backhoes, I was surprised to see Deere at number one (39 percent), followed by Cat (33 percent), and Case (24 percent). For mini excavators, in a market of about 10,000 machines, Kubota is first (26 percent), followed by Cat, Deere, and Bobcat.

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