For the sixth consecutive year Acme Brick Company's residential brick products carry the famous Good Housekeeping Seal. The Good Housekeeping Seal was introduced in 1885 and has earned the trust of generations of American consumers. If a product bearing the Seal proves to be defective within two years of the purchase, Good Housekeeping will replace the product or refund the purchase price.
"We are pleased that our clay products have once again met the high standards of the Good Housekeeping Institute and that we have earned the right to use this prestigious seal. It will be one more thing that distinguishes Acme Brick products in the minds of both our customers and their consumers. We are proud to be in the company of American institutions such as Proctor and Gamble, Armstrong Flooring, and Lennox," commented Dennis Knautz, President and CEO of Acme Brick Company.
Mr. Knautz also noted that, "The Seal will be one more selling advantage that we can offer our builder customers as they strive to market quality home exteriors to their consumers." Bill Seidel, Acme's Director of Marketing added that, "we know of no other brick company that has earned the Good Housekeeping Seal." Acme Brick is also backed by the company's own 100 Year Limited Homebuyers' Guarantee. The Good Housekeeping Seal will be featured in many aspects of the company's marketing program including: point-of-sale and print advertising.
In 2009 Good Housekeeping will address the issue of green marketing and will establish a new benchmark for evaluating products based on their measurable environmental impact. Products that qualify will be award the green Good Housekeeping seal. The program's goal is to help consumer identify products are genuinely green from those that the company describes as merely greenwashed. Acme Brick Company intends to have one of the first products to earn the Good Housekeeping green seal.
For more information on Acme Brick products contact: Marketing Dept., Acme Brick Company, P.O. Box 425, Fort Worth, TX 76l0l or phone l-800-792-l234. Acme can be reached on the Internet at