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The Signatory Wall and Ceiling Contractors Alliance (SWACCA), a national organization of union wall and ceiling contractors, joined other national trade associations at the White House for the establishment of the National Council for the American Worker, a council enlisted to create a strategy that provides skilled training to workers across high-demand industries. SWACCA signed the "Pledge to America’s Workers," promising to provide at least 50,000 people with career training opportunities over the next five years through their joint labor-management training programs that members help fund with union partners.

“We appreciate the priority that the President and Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta are placing on expanding the benefits of privately-funded, high-quality apprenticeship programs and skills training beyond the unionized construction industry,” says SWACCA Pesident, Matt Townsend. “These programs enable our members to deliver quality services to our customers and empower our workforce to develop careers in commercial construction that offer good pay, benefits, and upward mobility.”

Board member Tom Clerkin, president of Ceilings Inc. and Ricky Estis, a carpenters apprentice employed by OCP Contractors, represented SWACCA during the event.