Our Fall issue was the last issue of Public Works. The magazine was launched in 1896 to guide the (virtually all) men who designed, built, and maintained the road and water systems that supported growth in every city, county, and state over the next century. National infrastructure needs spawned many engineering marvels over the last 122 years, but public works remains an unglamorous, day-to-day grind to meet local expectations.
When I became editor 12 years ago, I was (like the rest of the public) blissfully unaware of everything you and your teams do behind the scenes and how we make your job harder than it already is. Despite ignorance of public works’ role vis-à-vis other taxpayer-funded services, wacky politics, suspicion of government, you always find a way to do more with less to keep us safe. Thank you for your ingenuity and stamina.
Many of you spent time with me, in person and on the phone, to teach me about what you do. Thank you. Thank you, too, to the readers who contacted me after reading this editorial in the Fall issue. I’m honored to have had the opportunity to share your stories and your expertise. If you’re not a member, consider joining the American Public Works Association (APWA), which publishes a magazine and holds an annual conference, and getting involved in your local chapter. You’ll meet like-minded public servants and develop lifelong friendships.
We’re no longer posting to Public Works’ Facebook or Twitter accounts, but you can continue interacting with each other via the Public Works Magazine LinkedIn group. I still oversee Concrete Construction and Concrete Surfaces, which are owned by the same company that published Public Works, so I’m not going away. Current Public Works subscribers will be receiving a complimentary subscription to the Concrete Construction newsletter. You can always reach me at [email protected] or 630-336-7914. In the meantime, we’re sharing the year’s most-popular Public Works articles in this final newsletter.
Wishing you happy, safe holidays and much continued success.