The American Concrete Institute (ACI) introduced its 2017-2018 president, vice president, and four board members during The Concrete Convention and Exposition in Detroit, MI, USA, this month.
Khaled W. Awad has been elected to serve as president of the Institute for 2017-2018, Randall W. Poston has been elected ACI vice president for a two-year term, and David A. Lange is now the Institute’s senior vice president, which is also a two-year term. Additionally, four members have been elected to serve on the ACI Board of Direction, each for three-year terms: H.R. Trey Hamilton, Joe Hug, William M. Klorman, and Tracy D. Marcotte.
Khaled W. Awad, FACI, is the Chairman and Founder of ACTS, a material and geotechnical consulting firm based in Beirut, Lebanon, and operating in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and several other countries of the Middle East.
An active member of ACI, he serves on Certification Programs Committee, International Advisory Committee, ACI Board Committee Chairs Committee, and the International Certification Subcommittee, of which he is a past Chair. Awad is a Trustee of the ACI Foundation. He is a member of ACI Committees 130, Sustainability of Concrete, and C630, Construction Inspector Certification; and ACI Subcommittees 130-E, Design/Specifications/Codes/Regulations; 130-F, Social Issues; 130-G, Education/Certification; and C601-E, Concrete Construction Sustainability Assessor. Awad is the past Chair of the Financial Advisory Committee and previously served as a member of the ACI Board of Direction. He received the ACI Henry L. Kennedy Award and the ACI Chapter Activities Award in 2007, and the ACI Certification Award in 2011.
He is the founder of Grenea, an investment firm advancing and providing technical assistance to eco-developments around the world. Prior to establishing Grenea, he was the founding Director of Property Development at the Masdar Initiative in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Masdar is a multifaceted initiative advancing the development, commercialization, and deployment of renewable and alternative energy technologiesand solutions. He oversaw the development of emission-free Masdar City, the world’s first development aiming to become carbon-neutral.
Awad worked in the real estate and construction industry in the Arabian Gulf for more than 30 years. He was the Founder and CEO of various construction and real estate companies, dealing with the supply chain and information technology side of the industry, as well as the development of large-scale projects.
He received his BE in civil engineering from the American University, Beirut, Lebanon, and his MA in business administration from the Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon. Awad is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and ASTM International, and a Fellow of the UK Institute of Concrete Technology.
Vice President
Randall W. Poston, FACI, is Senior Principal with Pivot Engineers, Austin, TX. For the past 30 years, he has been engaged in the evaluation, repair, and strengthening of hundreds of structures. His expertise includes investigation of structural failures, evaluation of corrosion of steel in concrete, structural concrete repair and strengthening design, and nondestructive testing.
He is an active member of numerous technical committees, including the ACI Committee on Codes and Standards Advocacy and Outreach and ACI Committee 318, Structural Concrete Building Code, of which he was Chair during the 2014 code cycle. He is also a Trustee of the ACI Foundation. Poston received the 2015 ACI Delmar L. Bloem Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding leadership of Committee 318. He has garnered numerous awards for technical papers and personal awards for service to the profession. Poston is the author of more than 100 nationally and internationally recognized publications. He also was named an Engineering News-Record (ENR) Top 25 Newsmaker for 2014 for “...managing the remake of the global concrete bible...”
Poston was elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in 2017 “for development of diagnostic and repair technologies for concrete structures and leadership in concrete building code development.” He is also a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI), Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI), and Structural Engineers Association of Texas (SEAoT).
Poston received his BS, MS, and PhD in civil engineering from The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. He was named a Distinguished Engineering Graduate of The University of Texas at Austin Cockrell School of Engineering in 2014 and elected to the Academy of Distinguished Graduates of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering in 2008. He is a licensed professional engineer or structural engineer in numerous states.
H.R. Trey Hamilton, FACI, is Professor of civil engineering in the Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure and Environment at the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. He is the Chair of the ACI Technical Activities Committee (TAC). Hamilton is a member of the ACI Convention Committee, Committee on Personal Awards, ACI Faculty Network, CAC International Conferences Task Group, ISO-TC 71 Advisory Committee, and TAC Subcommittee on ACI/ASCE-SEI Joint Committees. He also serves on ACI Committees 222, Corrosion of Metals in Concrete; 440, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement; and Joint ACI-ASCE Committee 423, Prestressed Concrete, of which he is a past Chair. Hamilton is also a Fellow of the Post-Tensioning Institute. In addition, he has received awards for papers from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), ASTM International, the American Composites Manufacturer’s Association, The Masonry Society (TMS), and International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI). Most notable of these is the ASCE J. James R. Croes Medal awarded across all disciplines of civil engineering.
His main research and professional interests involve structural concrete and masonry design and testing, durability and evaluation of existing bridge and building structures, and repair and strengthening with fiber-reinforced polymer composites. His scholarly work has focused on the development of methods and materials to improve the sustainability of structures and his professional activities have focused on the implementation of those results in construction and rehabilitation.
Hamilton received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the University of Florida and was in private practice as a design engineer for approximately 7 years prior to receiving his PhD from The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, in 1995. He was a faculty member at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, from 1995 to 2001 before joining the faculty at the University of Florida.
Joe Hug, FACI, is Technical Services Manager for The Monarch Cement Company in Humboldt, KS, where he has served for 21 years. He is Chair of the ACI Certification Programs Committee and the Certification Programs Award Committee and a member of the Chapter Activities Committee (CAC); CAC Task Group; Educational Activities Committee; Education Award Committee; International Project Awards Committee; ACI Committees 304, Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete; C610, Field Technician Certification; C630, Construction Inspector Certification; and C690, Concrete Quality Technical Manager Certification. He received the 2007 ACI Chapter Activities Award and the 2016 ACI Certification Award. He was named a Fellow of ACI in 2016.
Hug is a Past President of the Kansas Chapter – ACI and currently serves as Secretary/Treasurer for the chapter. He has previously chaired and remains active on many chapter committees, and assisted with both the 2005 and 2015 ACI Conventions in Kansas City. Since 2000, he has been Chair of the Kansas Certification Committee, which is a partnership between the Kansas Chapter – ACI and the Kansas Ready Mixed Concrete Association. He is also an active member of ASTM Committee C09, Concrete and Concrete Aggregates; the Portland Cement Association; the Missouri/Kansas Chapter of the American Concrete Paving Association; and many other regional concrete associations.
Hug received his BS in mechanical engineering from Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, and is a licensed professional engineer in Kansas, Arkansas, and Missouri.
William M. Klorman, FACI, is the President, CEO, and Founder of W.M. Klorman Construction Corporation, established in 1980 and located in Woodland Hills, CA. He is a licensed General Contractor and Structural
Concrete Contractor, and a certified Special Inspector for Reinforced
Concrete who specializes in design build concrete buildings and structures and has been involved in the design and construction of more than 300 existing commercial structures over 30 years.
Klorman is a member of ACI Committees 131, Building Information Modeling of Concrete Structures; 132, Responsibility in Concrete Construction; 318, Structural Concrete Building Code; 349, Concrete Nuclear Structures; Joint ACI-CRSI Committee 315, Details of ConcreteReinforcement; and ACI Subcommittees 318-A, General, Concrete, and Construction; and 318-G, Precast and Prestressed Concrete. He previously served on the Construction Liaison Committee, the Joint ACI-ASCC Task Group to Address Contractor Needs, and the Strategic Development Council’s ATI Team for Building Information Modeling; ACI Committee 350, Environmental Engineering Concrete Structures; and ACI Subcommittee 301-E, Handling, Placing, and Constructing.
Klorman received ACI’s Roger H. Corbetta Concrete Constructor Award in 2012. In 2014, he was named one of “The Five Most Influential People in the Concrete Industry” by Concrete Construction and received the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute’s Honors Award for Leadership.
He was published in Concrete International for his case study of an internally post-tensioned concrete water reservoir for California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA, and contributed to The Sustainable Concrete Guide—Applications, published by the U.S. Green Concrete Council, in which he co-authored Chapter 9, Planning and BIM (Building Information Management). His article “BIM: Leveraging Integration—Modeling a Confederated BIM at LAX’s New Tom Bradley International Terminal” was
published in Structure magazine.
Klorman regularly lectures and is a guest speaker for various industry groups and universities around the United States, where he presents and teaches concrete construction and building information modeling.
Tracy D. Marcotte, FACI, is an expert and licensed professional engineer in metallurgical and materials engineering based in King of Prussia, PA. She is the Chair of ACI Committee 563, Specifications for Repair of Structural Concrete in Buildings, and an active member of the ACI Technical Activities Committee (TAC) and multiple ACI committees related to corrosion, durability, sustainability, service life, and repair. She has committed her professional life to developing standards and
improving planning guides for the effective management of structures in service, and firmly believes this work will increase the quality of life within developing and developed nations, and improve opportunities for women for lasting social and economic development.
Internationally, Marcotte is a U.S. delegate working with other delegates from 86 countries to develop international standards for concrete repair within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO-TC 71). She actively promotes forensics, repair, and maintenance of structures as a highly satisfying and worthwhile profession for engineers, architects, and historic preservationists.
Marcotte graduated from Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada, and the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, with her BASc, MASc, and PhD in materials and metallurgical engineering, with graduate research focused on steel corrosion in concrete.