Austin, TX — The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has reselected Atkins as its statewide prime consultant for toll-plaza planning, development, and implementation. Under the terms of the five-year, $10 million contract, Atkins will provide planning, development, infrastructure design and coordination, and construction oversight services, as well as system installation, integration, and testing services for TxDOT toll and managed-lane facilities throughout Texas.

TxDOT currently operates more than 103 centerline miles (more than 493 lane miles) of toll roads in Texas. In January 2013, all toll collections on Texas roadways were converted to an all-electronic system, which makes the need for accurate and reliably functioning toll plazas more vital than ever. TxDOT’s objectives are to collect toll revenue by means of a highly effective open-road process, and to reduce costs using proven technical applications and efficient maintenance processes.

“We’ve served as TxDOT’s toll planning and systems integration consultant since 2003,” said L. Joe Boyer, Atkins CEO, North America. “As such, we have a solid understanding of its toll facilities. We realize that the accuracy and reliability of TxDOT’s toll-collection system is the primary key to its ability to finance and build highways to meet state infrastructure needs.”

Atkins is currently supporting eight toll-related projects in various phases of development and implementation in Texas, with another eight scheduled and more anticipated. For example, Atkins is working side-by-side with TxDOT to design and integrate tolling for such projects as:

  • State Highway 99 (Grand Parkway) Segments E, F1, F2, and G (northwest of Houston)
  • I-35E Managed Lanes project (northwest of Dallas)
  • I-30 tolled managed lanes (west of Dallas)
  • DFW Connector Project (north of the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport)
  • SH 183 Managed Lanes project (northwest of Dallas)
  • And several other projects throughout Texas.