The University of Wisconsin-Washington County
The University of Wisconsin-Washington County

According to Jon Etta, Regional Director of Facility Planning and Management of UW-WC, the Gehl skid loader is "dependable and versatile, allowing staff to maintain the building and grounds - from snow removal in the winter to landscape work in the summer." Courtney O'Connel, Campus Administrator and Regional Associate Dean of Student Affairs agreed, "The Gehl skid loader donation and continued support of the Manitou Group is greatly appreciated, especially in this period of reduced budgets."

Washington County Fair Park
Washington County Fair Park

"Manitou Americas is proud to support The University of Wisconsin-Washington County and the Washington County Fair Park and Conference Center because of the importance and value they provide to the people in our local community", said Lori Heidecker, Marketing Director of Manitou Americas. "We have had long standing relationships with both of these businesses and are proud to donate our skid loaders to help keep their facilities maintained throughout the year."

"We were very excited to accept the delivery of the new Gehl R220 skid loader to the Washington County Fairgrounds last week", said Kellie Boone, Executive Director of the Washington County Fairpark and Conference Center, "With the Washington County Fair beginning this week, the new skid loader comes just in time help complete set up for our Annual event.

Manitou Americas, (former Gehl Co.) has been supporting both of these local community organizations for over a decade. "With Manitou Americas history in West Bend dating back to 1859, we are honored to be affiliated with these very important local organizations," says Heidecker.

Manitou Americas Inc.

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