Five years ago, Chad Gill sort of stumbled onto his first concrete polishing job. “When I bought my first grinder to prep floors, the rep had diamonds with it and neither of us knew how to use them. At the time, I was on a residential job doing an epoxy floor. Out of curiosity, I polished a small area to see how it would work.”
The homeowner saw the sample area and was sold on having a polished floor—so Gill provided it. Since then, Gill’s Midlothian, Va.-based decorative concrete company Concreate began specializing in polished concrete. Last year, he showcased his polished concrete and logo work at World of Concrete’s Artistry in Decorative Concrete Demonstrations. However, his experience is not how he’d recommend anybody enter the industry. “Some training would have been really helpful!”
This is where the Concrete Polishing Association of America (CPAA) comes in. CPAA provides best practices, resources, education, and certification programs for polished concrete contractors. And Gill, who transitioned into the role of CPAA president last month, plans to engage members to take active roles in the committees that create these standards and programs. As he puts it, “If you want to effect change in our industry, join or head a committee.”
Gill also plans to reach out to specifiers and owners to inform them about the benefits of CPAA certification, and connect them with polished contractors. For more on Gill, his goals as president, and where he sees the industry headed, read the full Q&A here. Also, check out Steve VandeWater’s latest decorative concrete column, “ 4 Concrete Flooring Options That Make a Statement.”