The concept of asset sharing (for example, Uber or AirBnB) using handheld devices is transforming our purchasing decisions. The apps enable greater efficiency, transparency, and post-event assessments that lead to process improvement. Concrete researchers have found a similar handheld approach to solve one common project area where transparency is difficult—the timely sharing of performance test data.

At the 2016 Command Alkon Training and Technology Conference, Giatec Scientific, Ottawa, Ont., unveiled Smart Concrete. They hope this solution will transform the producer-contractor relationship to complete construction projects faster through data sharing.

The Smart Concrete system of interrelated computing devices transfers data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The system combines wireless sensors with mobile and cloud applications to make field data available to ready-mix producers. Using this “live” data, material engineers and quality control technicians can create a thorough mix performance analysis.

Giatec has beta-tested its Smart Concrete system on projects across North America. According to Matt Offenberg, Giatec’s sales partner, the contractor/producer response from the test sites has been very favorable. “When contractors discovered they were more efficient, they were more willing to purchase the Smart Concrete option from their ready-mixed concrete producers,” says Offenberg.

At the start of a project, producers only need to calibrate their mixes based on the maturity method (ASTM C1074) to estimate strength-gain performance. The mix calibration is added on the Smart Concrete cloud to allow the contractor to tie an embedded sensor to a specific mix’s data.

Contractors connect to the sensors installed in the hardened concrete through the Smart Concrete app and obtain real-time strength results.
Giatec Scientific Contractors connect to the sensors installed in the hardened concrete through the Smart Concrete app and obtain real-time strength results.

Later, contractors connect to the sensors installed in the hardened concrete through the Smart Concrete app and obtain real-time strength results. Field data is also automatically pushed to Giatec’s cloud service. Uploaded measurements from sensors placed within the forms on a structure are then automatically available to the project team, including the contractor and ready-mix producer, through the Smart Concrete app and the cloud service. One benefit of the data-share on structural concrete projects Is better monitoring of critical construction operations such as form stripping and post-tensioning.

The system can have dramatic results. Live data sharing allows contractors to react to job conditions, such as ambient temperatures, delays, and even placing hot spots from sunlight on forms. There are also QC benefits, as the readings could indicate a plant performance problem such as leaky material gates, or excessive cementitious material. The result is tighter quality control and greater material performance consistency.

Concrete mixes can be upsold as Smart mixes to the construction companies. Customers install wireless sensors in the formwork and download the dedicated ready-mix producer's app to connect to the sensor. Once connected, they can obtain real-time temperature and strength results on the jobsite.
Giatec Scientific Concrete mixes can be upsold as Smart mixes to the construction companies. Customers install wireless sensors in the formwork and download the dedicated ready-mix producer's app to connect to the sensor. Once connected, they can obtain real-time temperature and strength results on the jobsite.

The new system is a natural extension of Giatec’s commitment to improving concrete quality. In the last few years, the firm has introduced two mobile-based sensors—a wireless concrete temperature/maturity sensor (Giatec SmartRock) and a wireless resistivity monitor (Giatec SmartBox). “Smart Concrete is yet another step towards our goal to bring the Internet of Things to concrete structures and infrastructure in a way that adds value for our customers,” said Aali Alizadeh, Giatec Scientific’s CEO.

While the data sharing in the Smart Concrete system provides enhanced quality, Offenberg is quick to point out an even more important outcome. The customer and producer are working together during the placement, mitigating any post project woes. “Creating a strong relationship with contractors also builds trust and customer loyalty,” said Offenberg.

For more, visit Booth S13417 at the World of Concrete.