Two must-have publications on reinforced concrete design are now available free-of-charge from the Portland Cement Association. While Simplified Design of Concrete Buildings and Notes on ACI Building Codes were revised and updated according to ACI 318-11 codes (which will soon be outdated), there's still plenty of meat here.

Simplified Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings

By Kamara, M.E. and Novak, L.C.

Features time saving analysis, design, and detailing methods of primary framing members of a reinforced concrete building. This new Fourth edition has been revised and updated to ACI 318-11 and includes expanded illustrations of the theory and a new chapter on sustainable design.

PCA Notes on ACI 318-11 Building Code

By Kamara, M.E. and Novak, L.C

A “how-to-use” the code guide incorporating an analysis of code provisions and design solutions to real world problems. The manual (900+ pages) includes the latest research and discussions on the history and philosophy of concrete design.

Learn more and download PDF copies of the publications here.