Live from WOC
It was one of the biggest shows to date with more than 1,500 exhibitors and 60,000-plus attendees, and World of Concrete delivered all that was promised in 2016. Everything from new products and demos to learning opportunities and competitions, there wasn’t a moment to be spared. Whether you attended the show or not, you couldn’t possibly have made it around to everything. Luckily, the editors of TCP and Concrete Construction summed it all up in one easy-to-navigate Post Show issue, and we even have live interviews with experts, innovators, and much more. Take a look at the live coverage.
TCP Annual Survey
It’s time to start thinking about who’s taking the reins of leading the industry and why. The Concrete Producer is surveying readers to put together the annual TCP Survey. Now is your chance to tell us and your peers what’s been driving your success over the past year and what lies ahead. We’ll publish survey results, interviews, and producer photos in the September-October issue. Take a look at results from last year, and take a minute to complete this year's survey. One lucky participant will win a $500 American Express gift card for completing the survey.
Guest bloggers
TCP is calling on experts who want to have a voice in the concrete industry as a guest blogger on our website. Do you have some interesting industry news to share? Have you tried a new product you want to review? Do you have insights on keeping up with new technology or managing your business that you want to share? Tell us about it. Send your blog proposals to me with the subject line TCP Blog.
Sign up for Hexcrete Commercialization Workshop
Researchers at the Iowa State University Structural Engineering Research Laboratory have developed Hexcrete — a new wind tower made of precast concrete — capable of rising higher than the current 260-foot steel wind turbine structures in Iowa. The tower consists of several precast concrete components manufactured with high-strength or ultra-high-performance concrete. You can read more about them here.
Concrete producers might want to attend a workshop to learn more about Hexcrete on June 22-23 in Denver. Learn more and register.