Kerkstra Precast, Grandville, Mich., has joined AltusGroup, the seventh precast concrete manufacturer to become part of the Bethlehem, Pa.-based national partnership in the past two years. According to a press release from AltusGroup, founded in 2003:

Kerkstra will manufacture CarbonCast® High Performance Insulated Wall Panels and CarbonCast Insulated Architectural Cladding in its Grandville, Mich., production facility just southwest of Grand Rapids. With more than 50 years in the construction products business, Kerkstra Precast specializes in structural and architectural precast for a wide variety of building types in the Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois markets ... Greg Kerkstra, president of Kerkstra Precast, said, “CarbonCast will be an excellent technology addition to the Kerkstra portfolio and further position us for the increasing demands for higher performance precast products in the Midwest. The technology has proven itself to be highly efficient, effective and cost-competitive versus other systems in the marketplace. We are excited to see our customers benefit from this new technology.”

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