The National Ready Mixed Concrete Association's (NRMCA) Pervious Concrete Promotion Subcommittee is developing the Pervious Concrete University, a road show intended to educate industry members and specifiers on the latest developments in pervious concrete design, production, placement, and maintenance. The subcommittee plans to introduce the program later this year.
The one-day program will be divided into two half day segments. Segment one is targeted at the designer/specifier and would cover such topics as:
- Understanding ACI 522.1 Pervious Concrete Specification
- Maintenance Recommendations
- Importance of Using a Certified Pervious Concrete Contractor
- Incorporating Pervious Concrete into a Properly Designed Infiltration Stormwater BMP
Segment two will focus on ready-mix producers and contractors and will address:
- Guide to Pervious Concrete Mix Design
- Innovations in Placement Procedure
- Decorative Options for Pervious Concrete
The subcommittee invites members to participate in a conference call to discuss the program on Tuesday, Sept. 4 at 2 p.m. Eastern time. The call-in number is 866-670-0780 and the conference code is 9101734.