ASTM's new standard for the quality of wires was inspired by the assessment of concrete railroad ties which use intended prestressing wires. The name for the standard - soon to be published - is A1096, Test Method for Evaluating the Bond Quality of Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement.

The railroad ties that inspired the test had possible bond-related cracking problems according to  ASTM member Robert Peterman, the Mark H. and Margaret H. Hulings Chair in Engineering, Kansas State University:

Peterman notes that a Kansas State University research team found that wires with low bond quality can lead to structural deficiency while wires that bond too quickly – often those near the surface of the concrete – can cause longitudinal splitting along the wires. The new standard will help establish an acceptable bond range that corresponds to the specific needs of a prestressed concrete manufacturer, allowing for better specification in purchases and better standardized testing.

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