National GPR Service, Inc., a firm providing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) services for high resolution concrete imaging, utility locating and geological explorations, announced today the official launch of a licensing program to be unveiled in February at the 2013 World of Concrete Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada. The license will include extensive training, marketing, ongoing support and an inter-company equipment rental program.

National GPR Service, Inc. will become the first and only Ground Penetrating Radar firm in the nation to offer a licensing program to approved contractors. "We are excited to launch our licensing program at the World of Concrete and have already had great interest from multiple contractors throughout the nation," said National GPR Service, Inc. President Jared Lampe. "With the need for quality GPR operators and standardized training throughout the nation, and with GPRs exponential growth in the marketplace, we've put together a standardized training and marketing plan that will provide our license holders a ROI within the first year because of our brand. Not only will this be beneficial to contractors looking to cross brand services, it will also provide existing GPR operators an opportunity to establish brand identity with a nationwide footprint."

For more information regarding the National GPR Service, Inc. license program, visit here, or contact National GPR Service, Inc. toll free at (877) 556-4777.