The American Society of Concrete Contractors and Concrete Construction Magazine present: Appropriate F-Numbers for Elevated Slabs.

Specified F-numbers for elevated slabs are too often based on what’s achievable with slabs on grade, which isn’t realistic. What can we achieve on shored slabs, unshored slabs on metal deck, post-tensioned slabs, or on cambered precast members? When can we use laser-guided screeds on elevated decks and over reinforcing steel?

How do we get floor characteristics that contribute to polishing an elevated slab? What is the importance of F-numbers when the slab deflects? And what if lightweight concrete is specified? Can it be polished? How long does an elevated slab take to dry enough to install floor coverings and how much does it curl? All of these questions and more will be addressed by experts and practitioners.

Location: LVCC South Hall
WESOG Luncheon Fee: $95; $125 after Dec, 3 and onsite; $85 with purchase of Super Pass

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