The Concrete Polishing Association of America (CPAA) transitioned to a new President at the Summer Strategic Planning Meeting of the Board of Directors in June. Chad Gill was elected to the position of President by the Board of Directors at the Annual Board Meeting in Las Vegas before the World of Concrete.
Chad Gill, PE, is the President of Concreate, Inc., Midlothian, Va. Gill, through Concreate, has been a member of the CPAA since 2012 and was elected to the Board of Directors in 2013. Gill received his BS in mechanical engineering from the Virginia Military Institute in 1996. He is a licensed professional engineer in Virginia.
“I am looking to engage the membership with increased communication and involvement in driving the industry forward, beginning with celebrating 5 years of CPAA at the next member’s meeting in February,” Gill said. “I would like to thank Roy Bowman for guiding the CPAA in the past few years and leaving the association poised for future growth.”
Row Bowman, President of Concrete Visions, Inc., served as President of the CPAA since 2011.
Gill will be serving with the following members of the Board of Directors: Jennifer Faller, Vice President, Concrete In-Site LLC
Shawn Halverson, Secretary, Surfacing Solutions
Mike Payne, Treasurer, Mike Payne & Assoc.
Chris Bennett, Husqvarna
Roy Bowman, Concrete Visions, Inc.
Iren Cerrone, Diamond Tool Supply
Lance Drabczyk, Superior Polished Concrete
Harry Gressette, Ardor Solutions, Inc.
Roy Harvey, Versaflex
John Jones, Budget Maintenance
Tim Lupia, G&H Specialty Concrete, Inc.
Scott Metzger, Metzger/McGuire
Clif Rawlings, Ameripolish
Deke Rife, RetroPlate
Walter Scarborough, Hall Building Information Group
Kevin Sigourney, Prosoco
Steve Spengler, Aztec Products
Jeremy Wilkerson, Dreamkrete