An all-brick home no longer has to remain a dream for first-time homeowners. Thirty miles east of Charlotte, North Carolina, 29 all-brick homes were built and sold in 1990 at prices between $60,000 and $82,000. They're cost-competitive with other vinyl- and aluminum-sided starter homes that have become commonplace in North Carolina. GREYFIELD IS BORN Mike McGee of McGee Brothers Co. Inc., a residential masonry contractor in Monroe, North Carolina recruited the financial support of his firm's two largest brick suppliers: Boren Brick and Isenhour Brick & Tile Co. The three companies formed M.B.I. Concepts Inc., a joint company that would act as a residential housing developer. Each home would have 100% clay brick veneer on all four sides, an all-masonry fireplace, and other brick features. HOMEOWNERS PREFER BRICK Homeowners liked the warmth, tradition, and permanence of an all-brick home. Though Greyfield has only four basic house plans, exteriors were varied by reversing plans and using different brick and different exterior brick features.