Environmental concerns and worker health and safety issues influence many aspects of the construction industry. The use of form release agents is no exception. Where once a contractor could use a few gallons of diesel fuel from the local filling station, regulations may now require the use of a volatile organic compound (VOC)-compliant form release agent. Traditionally, form release agents have been grouped into these categories: petroleum oils, emulsions, nonreactive coatings with volatile solvents, waxes, and chemically active agents. Many newer form release agents, however, do not fit neatly into one of these categories. For example, an emulsion and a chemically reactive ingredient may be combined in one product to gain the advantages of both. Though products in these categories are still available, environmental regulations are steering the form release agent industry toward producing products with fewer VOCs. Many of the new types of water-based form release agents are the industry's answer to the latest environmental and safety regulations for VOC levels, toxicity, carcinogens, flammability, and hazard ratings. A few oil-based agents on the market also comply with the new regulations.