The reinforcing bar- simple in design, elementary in function- is indeed a "magic wand," responsible for more transformation of building design in the past 60 years than the construction field has experienced in 6,000 years. Unfortunately, reinforced concrete is custom designed and job made, usually delivered to the jobsite by truck, then raised and poured into forms where reinforcement has been placed. It is possible that if these deliveries and construction practices, added to the procedures of the mechanical trades involved in finishing the structure, are not coordinated, there will be the probable risks of headaches, high costs, delays or even lawsuits. As a contribution to seeking solutions to some of the vexing and costly problems of the industry, a study of both trouble spots and remedies follows. This analysis attempts to give possible answers with the hope that they can be expanded and improved upon by the people working with concrete. An example of such problems is: (1) because the general contractor sets the concrete pouring schedule, such key personnel as the rebar fabricator or the subcontractor have no control over the schedule and cannot adjust it to any job advantage. (2) The entire timing concept on high-rise structures creates problems. For example, a typical three or four day schedule is so tight that the steel deliveries must be timed almost to the half-hour. This situation exists because of a shortage of job storage space in most congested areas. (3) Often, too many persons are involved at the general contractor's and subcontractor's level in ordering out the steel, and contradictory instructions result. (4) The order for scheduling from the general contractor is handled by so many people that confusion develops between company departments such as detailing, fabricating, and truck scheduling. (5) Although weather extremes cannot be anticipated, usually no one individual is authorized to stop shipments under inclement conditions; also most companies fail to check if there are men on hand to receive steel deliveries. Possible remedies are: (1) only two persons should be permitted to negotiate scheduling, deliveries, and all changes. An alternate might be named for each. (2) All scheduling, deliveries and any problems or changes should be confirmed in writing. (3) The liaison officer would also meet with the general contractor to settle all legitimate backcharges and any countercharges incurred. (4) If contract haulers are included on a job, close communication should be maintained with them regarding their whereabouts, reports, and complaints. (5) All special equipment needed should be estimated as early as possible to allow time for shipment, pickup, and double checking everything at the jobsite.