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Concrete mixtures can include lightweight coarse and/or lightweight fine aggregates. This presentation will explain the process of mining shale and expanding it into lightweight aggregate. Applications of products from expanded shale include bridge decks, slabs-on-deck in buildings, and internal curing. There is a section of the presentation that includes excerpts from the NYSDOT 2017 Bridge Manual that requires internal curing in the concrete for bridge decks, sidewalks, crash walls, and approach slabs. Also included are a few project profiles for bridge decks, concrete paving, and pervious concrete.

Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the process of mining and expanding shale into lightweight aggregate (LWA).
  • Describe the benefits of using LWA in concrete mixtures.
  • Identify the difference between absorbed and surface moisture in LWA.
  • Explain the mechanism and benefits of internal curing in concrete.

Presented by: Ronald E. Vaughn, FACI, Director of Technical Services for Northeast Solite; Recipient of the ACI Chapter Activities Award and the ACI Certification Award for Outstanding Service

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