A new structural wall system has been introduced that produces a finished concrete wall in which vapor proofing, soundproofing, fireproofing, and excellent thermal insulation are complete as soon as the wall has hardened. The concept greatly simplifies and speeds construction. Casting of walls is one in specially manufactured boxlike forms of rigid urethane insulation open at top and bottom. The forms normally are factory made by foaming urethane in molds to produce a container with a series of large interior oval voids that can be filled with concrete at the time the wall is cast. Because the urethane forms become a permanent part of the wall, finished sheet materials are bonded to the exterior surfaces during manufacture by placing the materials in the molds before the urethane is introduced and foamed. Asbestos cement is commonly used. By using furring strips, gypsum board, tile, or any of various kinds of paneling can be used on the interior if desire. Such finishes are applied during manufacture by placing them in the molds before the urethane is introduced and foamed. A finished eight inch thick wall of concrete, urethane and one-fourth inch asbestos cement board has the unusually low heat transfer coefficient (U factor) of .021. Btu per hour per square foot per degree F. This is low enough to require about one third less energy for heating and cooling a building than one of conventional construction. The first building completed with this method of construction is the Livonia Pavilion East, an eight story office building of 119,000 square feet in Livonia, Michigan. Ground was broken in July 1972. Erected at the rate of one story each five working days, the buidling was topped out in four months and the interior was completed after five months. Since a building of this sort normally requires a one-year construction period there was a five month bonus period in which interest on interim financing did not have to be paid.