Today is an exciting time for the concrete pavement industry. There are more opportunities and more changes taking place in the construction of concrete than at any time in recent history. Read more
Will manufactured, engineered wood beams and girders revolutionize formwork construction as manufactured plywood panels did in the past? Read more
To some specifiers and owners who want to get the best pavement buy for a highway, street or parking lot, the method for choosing between concrete and asphalt seems simple. Read more
Moisture in concrete slabs is essential for curing. But it can be detrimental to the adhesion of floor-covering materials such as resilient tile or sheet flooring, paints, coatings and sealers. Read more
The reason tolerances are more important today is that construction has become more sophisticated. Read more
Of all types of outdoor concrete flatwork, tennis courts may be the most demanding surfaces. Read more
Two hundred fifty thousand dollars were saved when a computer program was used to compute costs of over 1700 columns in a high-rise building already under construction in Chicago. Read more
St. Peter's, the majestic basilica in the Vatican, is the largest church in the world. Read more
We are concerned with the maintenance of a cast-in-place school building built in our town in 1937--one of four local schools built by the Works Progress Administration (WPA). In its lifetime it has had several coats of paint. Finally it has become necess Read more
A customer reports that he got a nice white color when he applied our curing agent to a broomed-finish pavement the day after finishing. However, he complains that the same curing agent leaves the concrete looking dark when he applies it immediately after Read more
Our firm was hired to repair leaks in the concrete roof of a college building in North Carolina. The roof doesn't have many cracks, but most of the joints are leaking where PVC (polyvinyl chloride) waterstops placed in the joints have separated from the c Read more
We recently installed a concrete walk that was damp cured. We have noticed thin but deep cracks in a few spots. The contractor called them "heat cracks." Though they are not wider than one's fingernail I am concerned that they will worsen as the freeze-thaw season approaches. Read more
I think there is a typographical error in "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork, ACI 347-78 (Reaffirmed 1984)." Read more
Has anyone ever written up a list of things that a contractor can readily do to prepare for some of the problems that often come up unexpectedly? Read more