The company began with a single focus: provide products and services to solve North America’s surface drainage problems. n mid 1995, ABT began marketing SportsEdge, a product line specifically designed for athletic field drainage followed by SportsEdge LT in 1998.
In 1995, PolyClip installation brackets were introduced to speed installation and assure consistent channel alignment. Early in 1997, ABT introduced the PolyDrain Interceptor series. Designed to meet the challenges of highway drainage applications where excessive spread and sheet flow problems exist, the PolyDrain Interceptor efficiently controls excessive spread thus limiting dangerous hydroplaning.
In 2000, four Trench Former product lines were introduced. These were an 8″ and a 12″ system for roadways and general purpose applications. An 8″ and 12″ heavy duty systems for ports and airport applications was also introduced. All 4 products address longitudinal dynamic loading.