Bomanite is a name synonymous with the innovation and development of decorative, imprinted concrete. Over the last 50 years, Bomanite has developed new systems for various toppings, concrete overlays, coloration systems, stains, concrete dyes, exposed aggregates, and polished concrete. These systems of products complement the proven imprinted concrete techniques and pervious concrete system, Grasscrete, that put the Bomanite brand on the map over sixty years ago. The Bomanite Company and its licensed group of contractors continue to distinguish themselves as the best in the industry. To guarantee consistently high standards, Bomanite offers training, marketing, technical services and support to its contractors and to the design community.

Water-Based Surface Treatment
Bomanite VitraFinish is a water-based, impregnating surface treatment for polished concrete it densifies the concrete surface while enhancing color and providing additional stain resistance.

Concrete Densifier
Bomanite Stabilizer Pro is a clear water-based, non-toxic, odorless, penetrating product to harden and seal concrete and must be used with the Bomanite Custom Polishing System.

Innovations in Fine-Aggregate Exposed Concrete
As designers advance the edge of innovation in decorative hard surfaces, Bomanite delivers.