Concrete Floats in Canoe Race
From a distance, the event being held in Montreal's Olympic Basin today may have looked like an ordinary canoe race. But the canoes these competitors were using were far from ordinary. In fact, the competitors themselves were not your typical paddlers. They were civil engineering students from across the United States and Canada, and the canoes they were racing were made of concrete.
Wolf Pack Charges Finish Line In Concrete Canoe Race
From a distance, the event being held in Montreal's Olympic Basin today may have looked like an ordinary canoe race. But the canoes these competitors were using were far from ordinary. In fact, the competitors themselves were not your typical paddlers. They were civil engineering students from across the United States and Canada, and the canoes they were racing were made of concrete.
ACI Announces 2009 Officers
The American Concrete Institute (ACI) introduced its new president, vice president, and four board members during the ACI Spring 2009 Convention in San Antonio, Texas.