Concrete Designs Inc. is the premier manufacturer of architectural precast concrete and architectural Cast Stone in the western United States. Known for its high-quality products and commitment to customer service, CDI is also characterized by versatility. The company originally drew on Spanish Colonial architecture for design inspiration, but rapidly expanded its vision and its product line to include all types of architecture.
Along with a product selection of over 2,500 different shapes to complement a wide array of architectural styles, CDI offers its clients virtually unlimited capacity to create custom designs in many colors and a variety of textures. To this end, the company employs an experienced team of product consultants, concrete specialists, craftsmen, and technical support personnel who are dedicated to meeting the challenges inherent in a hand-made approach, from concept to finished product.
Artistry in Concrete: Custom Concrete Designs (Video)
Carlos Perez of Custom Concrete Designs shows us how to rock decorative concrete in a modern way.
Design of Concrete Beams
Most concrete design textbooks include a chapter on how concrete behaves in bending. Why talk about concrete bending when the all-too-common cracks in concrete show that it obviously doesn't bend? Although plain (unreinforced) concrete doesn't bend—at least not much—reinforced concrete does, and the design of concrete beams is based on how this bending takes place.