The milling crew puts down TempRamps at end-of-day joints, milled butt joints, manholes, and steel plates and the paving crew picks them up and puts them in the back of the pick-up truck. If the paving crew needs to pick up from the mat at the end of the day, they put the Tempramps down at joint for the night. The next day they pick up the TempRamps, you have a nice straight vertical joint and it’s ready for the paver to set down and pave.

17 New Cooperative Contracts for Roadway Maintenance
A nationally competitive purchasing program provides lower-cost access to mowers, patchers, pavers, and other equipment and supplies.

Try (Equipment) Before You Buy
Renting specialized equipment becomes the trend for complex road-building projects.
Drilling at the Speed of Night
Contractor uses E-Z Drill units for concrete repaving job on California's Interstate 210.