Featured Products
Federal Brace Offers Two New Floating Shelf Supports
Cabinet & Storage, Kitchen & Bath
The Stud Mounted Shelf Rod and Shelf Bracket allow for thinner floating shelves.
Bracing and Tilt-up Concrete
Braces create a strong and consistent rhythm along each elevation and are perhaps the most recognizable feature of a tilt-up concrete building under construction.
Minimizing Risks When Lifting and Bracing
Every site-cast tilt-up concrete construction project requires hard work and planning before the building can be erected. Watching the enormous concrete panels being lifted and set into place is an awe-inspiring event that occurs only with careful planning, hours of training and experience, and a thorough knowledge of today's lifting and bracing equipment. By taking the time to properly prepare for lift day, you can minimize time wasted during the erection operation and ensure a smooth, safe process. Knowledge of today's equipment and its capabilities will allow you to maximize panel size and construction efficiency.
OSHA Slams Contractor in Near-Collapse
A contractor's failure to brace an empty shell of a building left it a death trap on the brink of collapse on untrained workers, federal authorities have determined.