Innovative foldable highway giant dual lane trailer
A special feature on the SCHEUERLE Highway Giant is the integrated folding mechanism which allowed Sterett to load the vehicle modules on standard trailers at the company site in Owensboro, KY, transport them to Clarksville, Tennessee to pick up the load without any special permissions and bring them back to Owensboro accordingly. These inexpensive approval-free empty runs result in huge cost-savings for Sterett.
Mack Renews Commitment to Highway Safety with Continued Share the Road Sponsorship
The Share the Road program sends professional truck drivers with exemplary safety records across the country to conduct driving demonstrations for students, motorists and other groups.
Scheuerle Trailer Produced in U.S.
The first American SCHEUERLE HighwayTrailer has been produced at the Precision Fabricating & Cleaning Co., Inc. facility in Cocoa, Florida. It will be unveiled at the CONEXPO fair in Las Vegas in March. "With the HighwayTrailer, we offer a German product which has been adapted for the American market and is manufactured in the USA while ensuring German quality standards. In addition, qualified on-site service and purchase processing in the local currency through US banks is also in place,” said Bernd Schwengsbier, Managing Director of TII Sales, the sales company within the Group.