Operator's Precision Challenge: The Honor Roll
Some of the most skilled compact equipment operators in the country participated in this year's Operators' Precision Challenge.
Building the Walls of Quality
Last week our industry lost a great and active proponent. John (Jay) Jacob, died on Jan. 30. I had a chance to learn a lot from him at several meetings of The Masonry Society (TMS). Jay was the owner of J. Construction, a mason contracting company based in Cincinnati. His firm has an excellent reputation and a portfolio of very successful projects.
2013 BIA Award Winners Honored for Best in Brick Design
The Brick Industry Association (BIA) has honored stunning architecture that incorporates fired clay brick. With new categories this year including Renovation/Restoration, the 2013 Brick in Architecture Awards span almost half the country in 21 states, including green building practices that have earned Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) ratings.