Reapir the past. Connect the future. Addressing every coupling need including Krausz HYMAX® family. Designed to fully address the needs of the customer, Krausz coupling products are recognized worldwide for their innovative design, ease-of-use, long-term durability, and cost- effectiveness. Time-tested and field-proven for over 20 years, in over one million installations in the USA, our coupling solutions enable you to respond faster to any situation.
Hymax large-diameter couplings from Krausz USA
Uses one-quarter the number of bolts as similarly sized products.
A Good Flush Beats a Full House Every Time
Since 1928, the Water Environment Federation has offered water quality professionals an annual opportunity to network, learn what EPA’s up to, and talk to vendors one on one. These 10 tools from this year's WEFTEC convention are designed to help sanitary sewer utilities with aging assets cost-effectively meet regulatory requirements and public safety needs.
HYMAX Grip Restraint Coupling
First restraint product of its size with four top-facing bolts and a stab-fit, one-piece design.