On Site Washout Corp. Contractor's Portable Concrete Washout System
The Contractor's Portable Concrete Washout System is a trailer-mounted, self-contained system.
Reducing Washout Water Quantities
The drivers at one of our plants have been using about 800 to 850 gallons of fresh water to wash out their mixers at the end of their shift. The amount of wash water often becomes a problem when we’re busy in the summer. Is there any way to reduce this quantity? I've heard that some producers are using only 50 gallons of water mixed with 32 ounces of a mix stabilizer. The wash water is left in the mixer overnight and re-used the next day. We were considering using this approach, but when we spoke to our drivers they were hesitant to commit to the idea. They think that 50 gallons isn't enough water to completely wash the "fins." Are there any answers to their questions?
Most Innovative Products Contest at World of Concrete Announces Winners
The votes are in, and winners are selected for the 2009 Most Innovative Products (MIP) contest.