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Modular LEDs Link Together for Long Jobsite Lighting
Jobsite Lighting
Seventeen linked Pelican 9600 LED Modular Lights can illuminate more than four football fields on a single 110V generator outlet.
Alaska city has sign management down cold
The traffic engineering division had to keep track of 65,000 street signs, and the outdated paper-based tracking system in place violated the municipal code that required the department to maintain accurate, up-to-date records of its traffic-control devices. They needed a cost-effective way to digitally inventory the significant supply of signs and signals.
Natural-gas-powered vehicles
Environmental concerns make natural gas a natural investment for the right operation. Here are a few natural-gas-powered vehicles on the market.
Sweepers and accessories
The comfort and versatility of the Toolcat 5600 utility work machine have attracted public work personnel from across the country to give the machine a try. Pat Dunn, street supervisor for the city of Shoreview, Minn., runs his every day in the summer and three or four days a week in the winter. His crews use the 5600 with angle-broom attachment for clearing trails and paths year-round.