Pool Tool is a manufacturer of specialty tools for pool/spa service and repair procedures. Established in 1965 as a subsidiary of a Southern California based pool service and repair company, Pool Tool Company started out with one product. Today, Pool Tool manufactures many different time-saving, problem-solving tools for the pool service professional and repair industry. Many of these tools are unique and designed to make your job easier... saving you time and money.
Featured Products
Inline Anode #104-C
The inline zinc anode is attached to the bonding wire thereby protecting all metal parts against the effects of galvanic corrosion. Available in 1-1/2” and...
Inline Anode #104-D
Helps protect heaters, pool lights and rails from damage due to galvanic corrosion. Inline zinc anode for new installations - 4 feet of #8 copper...
Spigot Anode #104D-Spigot
Slips into any 2” Tee! The inline zinc anode is attached to the bonding wire thereby protecting all metal parts against the effects of galvanic...
Zinc Anode Replacement Kit #104R-Kit
The Zinc Anode will sacrifice itself and corrode before all other metals in the pool. The anode protects other metal parts from galvanic corrosion.
Rail Puller #103
For hard to remove grab rails or ladders. The puller will lift the rail out of the anchor socket.
Light Wedge #132
Holds pool light in when niche tab is stripped or broken. Fits all lights. It’s easy to use and can be installed quickly!
Imprinted Concrete
The job included decorative concrete for a driveway, porches, steps, pool deck, and lanai.
Award-Winning Sole Proprietor Brings Another Floor Back to Life
2018 Polished Concrete Awards recipient explains how he rehabilitated an old schoolroom floor.
Pequannock Residence
A pool deck copes with dated metal coping received a facelift.