Family-owned and operatred since 1984, Stampcrete International has been supplying the decorative concrete industry with the finest products and equipment in the industry. We continue to strive on providing you the most innovative products to satisfy you and your customer's requests to our utmost ability by staying on the leading edge of technology. The Stampcrete system meets the needs of the residential, commercial, architectural and municipal markets.
This system is architecturally approved by the New York State Department of Transportation along with many other government agencies. Currently, the company has over 900 dealers and is in over 33 foreign countries.

Upstate NY Company Cements Vow to Vets
Stampcrete International, Ltd. intends on hiring veterans returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Stamped Concrete Designs: Board Plank Set
Stampcrete International Wood Board Plank stamping tools for interior and exterior are made of high grade Urethane.