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ZIPLEVEL/Technidea Corp.

Locations & Contacts

  • 2121 E. Valley Pkwy., Ste. D
    Escondido, CA 92027
    (760) 480-4740
    (800) 805-5383
    (760) 480-4738
    (800) 805-LEVEL
    Clarisse Carlos, Dir. Sls. & Mktg.

Product Type

Manufacturer Brands

  • Ziplevel™ Pro-2000 High Precision Altimeter

Unlike a rotary laser, ZIPLEVEL® lets you truly work alone to quickly and easily level and read elevations directly in unmistakably clear digits. NO MORE rods, tripods, sensors, line-of-sight, error with distance, factory calibration or tedious computations. Now you can measure over any distance or elevation on earth, from paper thickness to the height of a mountain without error-inducing tabulation or math.

Decade proven by tens of thousands worldwide who depend on ZIPLEVEL® as the "tape rule" of elevation measurement. Fast, powerful, proven, rugged, reliable, affordable and made in the U.S.A. with a two year factory warranty.

Cut costs, boost profits and join the measurement revolution. Whether you're supplementing or replacing a laser, you can't afford to be without ZIPLEVEL®.

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