California & West Virginia Have Biggest Annual Job Gains, North Dakota Has Largest... More
Spur Economic Growth and Benefit Construction Employers for Years More
Spur Economic Growth and Benefit Construction Employers for Years More
Opp Construction wins Willis-sponsored Construction Safety Excellence Awards Grand Prize as 51 other companies win awards for quality construction safety programs. More
Ironically, Water and Clean Water revolving loans are losing about as much as they gained in the 2009 stimulus package. More
Residential and nonresidential construction both add jobs in September, but industry employment is still down compared to one year ago. More
Industry economist predicts continuing gains in private nonresidential and apartment building; association officials call on public sector to adequately fund range of infrastructure projects. More
Construction materials prices last month showed the smallest year-over-year increase since December 2009, according to a news release from AGC of America. More
Heavy and civil engineering construction suffers largest employment decline within sector, likely reflecting impacts of 1.4 percent decrease in public construction activity during the previous month. More