The American Water Works Association holds student and young-professional... More
Personnel changes and sequester-induced shortages delay slow Office of Ground... More
Almost 30,000 miles have been installed worldwide since the early 20th century and... More
Challenges and successes gathered directly from impacted water utilities and their partners. More
American Water Works Association is proud to announce a complimentary webinar for AWWA members on the recent revisions to the Total Coliform Rule. More
The American Water Works Association today announced the launch of its newest event, the 2013 Biological Treatment Symposium, to be held March 28-29, in Denver, Colorado. More
As reported by the American Water Works Association, the owner of a North Carolina sampling lab either improperly tested or failed to test clients’ samples for at least five years. More
Avert excessive disconnection/reconnection costs by implementing a pricing... More
Water industry associations are helping utilities provide water and sewer service to the financially challenged with guidance documents and other programs. More