The top public companies producing concrete in North America continued to benefit... More
Bike to Work week served as a teaching experience for LaFarge who helped educate... More
The new railway link through the Alps is a Swiss centennial project and one of the... More
2016 Triad Award: With foresight, a Utah paving project becomes an award-winning... More
A contractor and DOT combine sustainability and new paving techniques to rebuild a... More
Top North American concrete producers remained unchanged in 2014. Here is how they ranked, based on revenue. More
Deals between private middle-market companies were structured to eliminate local... More
Holcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A. completed their global merger and have launched LafargeHolcim, a world leader in the building materials industry. More
Holcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A. completed their global merger and have launched LafargeHolcim, a world leader in the building materials industry. More
Holcim Ltd and Lafarge S.A. completed their global merger and have launched LafargeHolcim, a world leader in the building materials industry. More