Casting Trends

Casting Trends

The FaMe Push-Button Magnet system from Elematic is designed for fixing side forms onto steel beds and tables. Using calculations based on the Predetermined Work Time Program utilizing unit times of the Standard Time System, the manufacturer determined a 70% time savings when using the full set of tools of its FaMe system. The Elematic Fastening System includes jaw magnets, side rails, accessories, and design software.

Casting Trends

Wet cast lines from Automacad allow producers to configure a flexible layout based on facility requirements and target production flow. According to Sandra Kapfer, sales manager for Automacad Inc., producers have the opportunity to design their wet cast plant that enables greater product diversification without losing plant productivity.

Casting Trends

Schlüsselbauer offers automation of manufacturing when high production volumes, low manhour/ton rates, and consistent high-quality product is needed. It is marketing a computer-assisted design system that transforms the engineering drawing into a reverse form cut from Styrofoam blocks.

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